The top level certificate should be in the Trusted Root store as shown. Note that the name of the certificate in the Trusted Root store doesn’t match exactly the name shown on the certificate chain when looking at the imported cert. Be sure the check the friendly names for a match as shown to confirm the certificate selected is the correct one.

How to Install Intermediate CA Certificate (Chain Certificate) Copy the Intermediate CA Certificate in PEM format (a base64 encoded DER certificate identifiable with not meaningful text enclosed between “—–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—–” and “—–END CERTIFICATE—–“) to the server, and place in the same directory as the SSL certificate and private key files. Verisign Inc. is an American company based in Reston, Virginia, United States that operates a diverse array of network infrastructure, including two of the Internet's thirteen root nameservers, the authoritative registry for the .com, .net, and .name generic top-level domains and the .cc and .tv country-code top-level domains, and the back-end systems for the .jobs, .gov, and .edu top-level For professional web sites, you usually buy such a certificate from Verisign, Thawte or any other ssl certificate vendor. SSL certificates use a chain of trust, where each certificate is signed (trusted) by a higher, more credible certificate. At the top of the chain of trust are the root certificates, owned by Verisign and others. After the Digital Certificate has been generated, VeriSign will return the signed certificate to you via electronic mail, and Thawte will email you a URL from where you can download your Digital ID. Thawte provides the URL so you can download the certificate in standard format and copy into your e-mail. Jul 23, 2012 · The way that SSL certificate chains work require an end client to only need to trust the top most, or root certificate in the chain, in order to accept the server certificate as valid. But in order to properly present the full SSL chain to a client a server must first have the correct trusted root and intermediate certificate authorities loaded. The top level certificate should be in the Trusted Root store as shown. Note that the name of the certificate in the Trusted Root store doesn’t match exactly the name shown on the certificate chain when looking at the imported cert. Be sure the check the friendly names for a match as shown to confirm the certificate selected is the correct one. Discontinue use of the VeriSign G2 Root Certificate In accordance with industry standards, PayPal will no longer honor secure connections that require the VeriSign G2 Root Certificate for trust validation. Only secure connection requests that are expecting our certificate/trust chain to be signed by the G5 Root Certificate will result in

This chain extends all the way up to root-certificates, which can only be provided by a finite selection of Root CAs such as Comodo, GeoTrust, Verisign, and others. Self-signed SSL certificates avoid this chain of trust as they are signed by the entity requesting the certificate rather than a CA.

Secure Email with Verisign Digital ID With digitial certificate, we can sign and encrypt emails for authentication and confidetiality purpose. Verisign provide 60 days trials for their Digital IDs for Secure Email. $19.95 per year with $1000 protection aganist economic loss caused by corruption, loss, or misuse of your Digital ID. A cross-certificate is an X.509 certificate issued by a CA that signs the public key for the root certificate of another CA. Cross-certificates allow the system to have a single trusted Microsoft root authority, but also provide the flexibility to extend the chain of trust to commercial CAs that issue SPCs. Understanding certificate chains. There is a limited number of CA vendors/providers who are globally trusted. The list includes (but not limited to) vendors like Symantec (formerly VeriSign), Thawte, DigiCert, Global Sign, StartCom, GoDaddy, Comodo and others. New Chain of Trust. DigiCert took over validation and issuance for all Symantec Website Security SSL/TLS certificates on December 1, 2017. This includes certificates for Symantec and its subsidiary CAs: Thawte, GeoTrust, and RapidSSL.

In this chain, the intermediate certificate is the issuer of the SSL certificate and the root certificate is the issuer of the intermediate certificate. The intermediate certificate must be installed on the same server as the SSL certificate so that the connecting device (browsers, applications, mobile device, etc.) can trust it.

Verisign Inc. is an American company based in Reston, Virginia, United States that operates a diverse array of network infrastructure, including two of the Internet's thirteen root nameservers, the authoritative registry for the .com, .net, and .name generic top-level domains and the .cc and .tv country-code top-level domains, and the back-end systems for the .jobs, .gov, and .edu top-level For professional web sites, you usually buy such a certificate from Verisign, Thawte or any other ssl certificate vendor. SSL certificates use a chain of trust, where each certificate is signed (trusted) by a higher, more credible certificate. At the top of the chain of trust are the root certificates, owned by Verisign and others. After the Digital Certificate has been generated, VeriSign will return the signed certificate to you via electronic mail, and Thawte will email you a URL from where you can download your Digital ID. Thawte provides the URL so you can download the certificate in standard format and copy into your e-mail.