Nov 21, 2010

Share a drive or a folder on the network with Windows XP Apr 29, 2015 Is it still safe to use Windows XP? - BT Feb 25, 2019 Windows Xp Professional Network Driver - Free downloads

Nov 17, 2017 · In Windows 10, there are two sets of default security and sharing settings when you connect to a wired or wireless network: public and private.

This works well most of the time but there are certain Windows features that require the network location to be set to private to function such as PowerShell Remoting. If you need to change your network location setting from public to private, the easiest method is to use the HomeGroup settings window. Changing network location on XP - May 2012 - Forums - CNET May 02, 2012 Simple File Sharing in Windows XP

Feb 25, 2019 · Microsoft extended the life of Windows XP long past its original plans due to popular demand, but the last major update was released way back in 2008 and the plug was finally pulled early in 2014.

Jan 17, 2008