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Hello, I have Debian 7, Plesk 11.5.30 machine. Everyday I have a 100+MB /var/log/syslog file flooded with these records: Aug 9 08:24:04 server Number of cache objects that are referencing this cache object. Refcounts must be at least 1 for an entry to be in the cache. usecounts: int: Number of times the cache object has been looked up. Not incremented when parameterized queries find a plan in the cache. Can be incremented multiple times when using showplan. size_in_bytes: int If query_cache_size is 0, you should also set query_cache_type variable to 0. In this case, the server does not acquire the query cache mutex at all, which means that the query cache cannot be enabled at runtime and there is reduced overhead in query execution. Mar 11 16:50:15 xxx named[2928]: client query (cache) '' denied Mar 11 16:50:15 xxx named[2928]: client query (cache) '' denied Mar 11 16:50:15 xxx named[2928]: client query (cache) '' denied Apr 04, 2017 · Clearing A Print Job From The Printer’s Cache. Often, when you cancel a print job from your desktop your printer continues to print it anyway. This happens for print jobs that have been sent to the printer. Ideally, the printer should not print the document but printer technology is still pretty old and clunky. Jun 11, 2013 · Jun 7 21:09:50 DNS named[3098]: client query (cache) 'web.ic.localdomain/A/IN' denied Jun 7 21:09:50 DNS named[3098]: client query (cache) 'web.ic.localdomain/AAAA/IN' denied Oct 13, 2017 · A. Clearing a query plan from the plan cache. The following example clears a query plan from the plan cache by specifying the query plan handle. To ensure the example query is in the plan cache, the query is first executed. The sys.dm_exec_cached_plans and sys.dm_exec_sql_text dynamic management views are queried to return the plan handle for

The query cache looks conceptually like an hash map where the key is composed by the query text and the parameter values, and the value is a list of entity Id's that match the query:

Nov 11, 2016 · Finally, we disabled the query cache and all the mutex is disappeared. Restarted MySQL with query cache enabled. We changed query_cache_size = 0 and it almost worked, we could disable query cache on the fly, but as we can see there is still some mutex activity. Changing query_cache_type = 0 and restarting sysbench does not have any effect on

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Mar 31, 2017 · COMPUTE - Purge the query plan cache from each Compute node. ALL - Purge the query plan cache from each Compute node and from the Control node. This is the default if you do not specify a value. Next Steps. Check out these other performance related tips Performance Tips. Jan 02, 2015 · The MySQL query cache is one of the prominent features in MySQL and a vital part of query optimization. It is important to know how the MySQL query cache works, as it has the potential to cause significant performance improvements – or a slowdown – of your workload.