Setup Your Own "Speedtest Mini Server" to Test Internet

Setting up a local web server on a Mac - Apple Community Oct 09, 2019 GitHub - ipburger/ mini Feb 21, 2018 How to Create Speed Test Server using SpeedTest Mini Server Nov 16, 2018

Z-WAMP Server Pack - a lightweight zero-install Web server

The miniServers are separate servers in their own right however they are based on the Uniform Server control architecture. The Uniform Server PHP MiniServer provides a graphical user interface to the PHP 5.4.* built-in web server. Welcome to PHP MiniServer Series The Uniform Server PHP MiniServer series provide a graphical user interface to the PHP 5.4 built-in web server. The Uniform Server PHP MiniServer series feature: Basic - UniServerMini and UniServerMicro: * Single button to start and stop server. * Multi-server configuration allows running more than one server instance. * Menu options to change server port and perform port test. * Menu option to hide server command window. A complete and ready-to-use PHP development environment on Windows including the web server Apache, the SQL Server MySQL and others development tools.

This server uses the latest 5.0.67 stable community release which weights in at 173 MB however the mini's size is just over 10MB. The full download contains several database variants, tools and languages used by professional users.

With Multipass you can download, configure, and control Ubuntu Server virtual machines with latest updates preinstalled. Set up a mini-cloud on your Linux, Windows, or … Superb Mini Server Project SMS - Superb! Mini Server Features. Rtorrent 0.9.2 BitTorrent client with wTorrent r109 & Rutorrent-3.5 web GUI EasyPHP Devserver & Webserver | Webserver