What browser am I using? What version is my browser? WhatsMyBrowser.org is the easiest way to find information about your browser, and share it to your designer, developer, or support rep.

Attempts to determine the capabilities of the user's browser, by looking up the browser's information in the browscap.ini file. Parameters. user_agent. The User Agent to be analyzed. By default, the value of HTTP User-Agent header is used; however, you can alter this (i.e., look up another browser's info) by passing this parameter. Check the Version Number of Apple's Safari Browser Jun 28, 2020 JavaScript to Determine Viewport Size - dyn-web.com

Which version of Internet Explorer am I using? - Windows Help

If it does not say 128-bit, then you do not have a browser with 128-bit encryption. Internet Explorer Users (Mac): Select the Apple menu from the top of the screen. The information displayed for the Cipher Strength is the encryption level. If it does not say 128-bit, then you do not have a browser with 128-bit encryption. Firefox Users : A simple way to find out your browser size. May 11, 2020 · Checking your browser version is a good way to stay current so you're surfing the internet safe and sound. May 22, 2013 · To download a new browser, learn more, or upgrade to a newer version, click one of the icons above. Browsers are continually updated, so there are many versions of each available. How Do I Know Which Browser I’m Using? The easiest way is to look at how the address bar and navigation buttons within are layed out:

The function checks for these browsers, and will execute any code you insert within the if/else if statements for each browser if the code is run on any of the browsers in question. Use the code to dynamically add classes to your HTML based on the browser, to send alerts to the user based on the browser, to trigger events based on the browser.

Browser/device identification - how to find out which The 'Browser Name' section of the MDN Web Docs article on 'Browser detection using the user agent' is a reasonably good reference, which we have paraphrased below. The table below is copied from there, and is a rough guide to recognising browser and version from user agent values: Browser Must contain Find what version of Firefox you are using | Firefox Help Explore Our Help Articles. Dig into the knowledge base, tips and tricks, troubleshooting, and so much more. Firefox Browser; Firefox Private Network How to determine if a browser is using an SSL or TLS